Permaculture and Food Sovereignity Project Course

This course is been specifically designed to assist subsitence farmers , schools and home based care groups to provide food to their families and clients while crearting income for themselves. The beneficiaries of this programme see this course not only as an income generating project, but strategic and critical to strengthening resilient food systems. For too long, food policy in South Africa has focused on yield at any cost – and undermined the very systems and people on which food production depends. We give thanks to the generous support from the Dutch Government through ICCO and Kerk in Actie to help us challenge the culture around food production and consumption systems in South Africa in which people would rather prefer to buy food from big chain stores instead of engaging in alternative community based models of production and consumption, which prioritize local markets. Course Content for 72 Hour Permaculture Course

  • Permaculture principles & ethics
  • Ecosystems and Biodiversity
  • Systems analysis and mapping
  • Water and soil management
  • Waste management
  • Integrated test an crop management
  • Resource assessment and planning
  • Appropriate technology and economics
  • Organization and community development
  • Permaculture design and application
  • Project management, Cooperative governance

2 Commentsto Permaculture and Food Sovereignity Project Course

Permaculture and Food Sovereignity Project Course
  1. Abednigo Thabo Mathibe says:

    I’m interested in crop and livestock farming, but have no skills or experience. I would like to get training/ workshops and contribute to the economy through agriculture.

  2. shakes says:

    im iterested inthis programme how do i get involve , please send me the information to the following email ; and expalin the priocess of registration with the programme
